Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cruising It Brent Everett

La Noche de San Juan

La Noche de San Juan.
fire and sparks, laughter and smells.
Smoke, jumps, dances, firecrackers smell gunpowder
Watching the changing colors of all the faces oriented
fire with glowing eyes.

burning bonfire where all you leave behind:
disappointments, disappointment, sadness, ...
mixed with lumber and wood
watching the fire rises above
merging with the darkness of the night magical.

The Night is the shortest
The one that speaks of summer and good weather
that announces the beach and vacations
The laughter brings us closer to the younger
that leaves behind the cold and the Rain.

All this is the Noche de San Juan. A special night
Cenizas y fuego,
Petardos of fire and noise,
champagne and cake chicharrones,
nuevas of friends and promises.

Where Can I Find Katydid Candy At

La Nit de Sant Joan

The Night of San Juan.
fire and sparks, laughter and smells.
Smoke, jumps, dances, sniffing the powder of firecrackers
Viewing changes colors
facing all sides at the stake with bright eyes.

Bonfire burn where you leave everything back:
disappointment, disappointments, sorrows, ...
mixed with old junk and firewood
all watching the fire takes off
melting higher up the darkness of the hour.

Night is the shortest
that speaks of summer and good weather we announced
The beach vacation brings us
The laughter of the younger
leaving behind cold and rain.

This is the Night of San Juan.
A special night of fire and ashes,
of fireworks and noise of wood
crackling of champagne and cake,
d'amics i noves promises.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Keel For Aluminum Boat

The termocéfalos and football


I have already caught this futbolero-mundialero process that takes a while invading and permeating all with the magic to this great sporting event. So I've been following in the footsteps of my football team (Chile) and the country in which I reside (Spain), got a surprise when I began to read in the papers the views of people leaving Notes on soccer. I'm not sure if termocéfalos (new word) who write under the daily sports news in the Internet will realize the things we speak, but for me it's really sad to see how people are supposed to have at least normal intelligence (can take the pc), can Unsharp dialogue through disqualification of high caliber. From the homeland, until the ascendancy, the economy, the skin color, education or whatever to be sent to hell or humiliate the other is fine.

I think that while there are newspaper journalists who write the news comments, if they are the owners and / or publishers of those who allow racist and xenophobic dialogue towards other people, sadly out of something that is supposed to represent or attempting to represent fair competition, eliminating fees negative and degrading treatment and is to be first of all very silly, to allow a sport you head cloud of what we call common sense.

This afternoon I noticed the sticks to read some comments from users of the brand daily news analysis on how well they are faring in the global South American and I have been concerned to read because I imagine that beneath these words are real people with mental problems, hoping to bring out the worst of them when the occasion and bad luck for other permits. In the Chilean newspapers (like the third ) feel the same and that to me again is a reflection of how much we integrate advanced and globalized world and how little we understand what that means. I leave you with the message that must be taken into account when viewing sports, which occurs worldwide mandatory before each game's televised World Cup (I hope that from time to view the world termocéfalos among them.)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Is The International Chart In Hairdressing

First Party in the World Cup Chile 2010. New memories to have.

Marco, Toño, Nohe, Gallego y José Zamorano.

I remember that in 1998 we joined the Vitoko, the mauri, the Boy and Henry and we went to the house of Pepe to see the first match of France 98 World Chile played against Italy. I guess we all know at least where they were that day and can take the trunk of friends lost to one another at that time was a great friend with whom gather to watch the Olympics. While we ate pizza, we had a few beers and we were hoarse with great goals of the matador room at the end the frustration and anger took away the glory and tarnished a wonderful success with the appellants memories of arbitrator "Bochard" ('m not there to write it well), duck hand Yáñez arguing that it was legal (Yáñez echándonos always duck down) and Carcuro with his memorable speech against the lady fifa .

played yesterday with Nohe Chile and we rose with the news commentators who supported the red, red clear that the English who also played. We put the internet and there cooperatively gradually warming thing left. A short hour later, clean and uniformed P1010013 with patriotic colors, we met on the subway with my friend Avenida América Toño Montes (Galician) and we left the bar that GECHIMA (group of Chilean students in Madrid) had been agreed as one of the venues in which they could enjoy the game.

Although reaching the bar there was not a mundialero environment, as if the thing was stretching at turtle steps, the bar slowly took shape. The data show screen projecting the game, three Hondurans fear wrapped up at the end of the bar and the arrival José Zamorano of those who always walk around with T-Chile in the bag, returned to the bar whim of Madrid, a place as the home of foo in the global France 98 has been etched in my memory, now that if, without the ghosts that rise from the stands and put criminal to 90 minutes, without Mrs. fifa without Bochard, but without the lifelong friends, who yesterday were replaced by my fellow thirsty to see win the red forever.

Marco, Toño, Carlos Z, Nohe y Gallego

Chile is in a world much like his game and so far no problems winning. If all goes well some of us may dilute the Austrian Polster of our memory and perhaps with a little luck to the whole Brazilian team that got us 4 goals. I leave you with the goal of yesterday it has built memories.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Unlock Channels On Dvb-t Reciever

NOT kill me. I have no support because you snuff


I love when it reaches the warm period of the year because the Nohelia Madrid can go for a walk and take us on a terrace a straw (200cc glass of beer) with his usual cover (a little food) or operation ( more food than at the top). This convenient way to grab a snack and living the summer in Madrid is totally different from what happens to us during the winter, which is really a torture into a bar and having to endure the partial cloudiness and cigarettes cigars while you take a stick and you do not eat out of disgust or cover.

remember one time last winter we wanted to vary the routine out for a drink, so we went to a bar around here and ask us some straws 20100206elpepivin_3 some "Sanguchito" mixed (ham and cheese), in that we were with you, put it well enjoying playing for Real Madrid so the thing was alive, when People began to smoke, but I stayed misplaced because no one cared that there were people eating and children on the premises, one after another, the cigars are going on and the place just like the good citizenship of people became unbearable and unbearable.

this year means that in Spain will a new law against snuff, I hope you can fulfill that in winter we enter a bar without pulling out of disgust that causes the cloudiness of snuff and 100_2360 not see children having to compromising their future health of parents and irresponsible bar owners. Also for me would be an irony of fate that after so much effort to quit smoking, I had to get sick because of the selfish pleasures of others.

After the latest data from the WHO stated that 50% of people who smoke will die of a disease whose cause of emergence is related to the consumption of snuff and a thousand waiters in Spain a year die from cancer of lung my post from here to all these associations that confuse human rights 1269415730_extras_ladillos_2_0 right to smoke, is that they are wrong because nobody has the right to sicken and kill another, let alone under the banner of understanding and tolerance ... and how do you want to tolerate you kill me? If you want to smoke, but is your decision, like many of the things you do in day to day, not affecting the rest.