"Summer is characterized by having longer days and less sunlight angle, so that temperatures are the highest in the year. "
Source Wikipedia .
Mad Summer r id with Sisi
In Madrid Summer is a season of fall fried turkeys, dogs, cats and occasionally the odd person. It is a station that if you simply have air conditioning in a heat sink as if it were a ritual, is magical power to attract the beer. But not everything is hot during summer can rest from the hectic pace that has the capital of Europe where people walk faster (this is a real figure). For a couple of weeks is
can enter the main streets and talk without the fatiguing noise of vehicles, for a couple of weeks the locals go crazy and Europe looks cheaper than Chile. In short, summer in Madrid is full of activities, entertainment and promotions, which make the capital of Spain but has no sea, is an amazing place to be and no shortage of interest (note the panda enjoying back in August models).
Summer with the guys Carboneras
Moreover, the Mediterranean escape (following the footsteps of my grandmother), can fill a different environment, getting into a dry and desolate landscape (hence filming Westerns and Lawrence of Arabia in this part of the world), but strangely we surprised you with a tropical climate, which suddenly makes you think you're elsewhere in the world and not the Europe we all envision (with armor and cold .) This desolate landscape heated quickly is murdered by white houses and flat roofs, blue doors, which spring to gush over the coast and leaving those who enjoy this ancient invention called holiday, but only less than a century ago is with those who are not noble.
Summer 2009 is gone, that if we left the beautiful memory of the visit and maratonescos sisi rides we do. We also charged the batteries with the short break that we saw in Carboneras with uncles and cousins.
Finally this summer we travel a lot, learn more, eating rich and enjoyed it, but without doubt the best thing was that for a month our little nuclear family two extended first to three and then seven, enriching and strengthening the bonds converts.