Chapter 13: Impresentable: try to alienate!.

In this blog I talked about in more than one occasion of how cheap it was Chile on several things about Spain. Today I will discuss the opposite situation, ie what are some things cheaper than the Iberian Peninsula with respect to Chile.
First I can not be happy (as a student in need of reading), noting that the books are much more accessible here for the humble student, it's been 5 m onths

En segundo lugar está la música y los dvd, esto ya hace que uno se ponga a pensar seriamente en aquello del plan maquiavélico, por ejemplo y no es que me guste pero está de moda, el cd de U2 "no live in the horizon" en Chile
cuesta €15 apróx ($11990), mientas que acá está a €8,79 (como $6000). Es increíble, pero nuevamente a uno no le queda más remedio que lamentarse de lo que pasa, por que pueden haber muchas excusas, como que hay que traer los discos de afuera o que existe un impuesto, etc. Pero es que cobrar el A DOUBLE CD, DVD or film when the market has less purchasing power, is simply shameful.
Third of this criticism is the culinary theme, do not understand why it is cheaper to eat shrimp in the waters of the South American Pacific Spain than in Chile?. This week so holy na
my distinguished mother had shrimp and cheese pies at home in Chile, which we also did the Nohelia here, the result was sinful in budgetary terms, but the empanadas were equally rich spectacular (and will talk about my recipe for the dough, inherited from Aunt Estela), is INCREDIBLE as we are one kilo of shrimp, peeled and frozen large caliber cost us € 8 (about $ 5,500), while my mother distinguished the 200gramos or 300 (I do not remember) came out the same € 8. I know it's Easter but the two are caught in "waters of the South American Pacific" and is supposed to back this reversal of costs should not be.

Finally, this report from Spain is facing something that we all know, that's surely as the sun coming out where you should follow some and hiding where the same wish, the rest of the world will continue to pay others for access to goods that feed the soul, generate knowledge and we de-alienate. "
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