Chapter 14: Count. Chapter 14: Count.

Mom, dad, sister, brother, grandmother, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends of a lifetime and now, for me it is a pleasure to report that we reached at six months in Spain six months have been full of memorable moments, six months that we have been slowly hitting some idioms (now say "fuck" and "liar" and other epithets that then I will tell in a story) six months from now will be remembered as the first installment of this long and ambitious journey that we embarked (in planes separated by freak stuff of scholarship) a beautiful spring afternoon of 28 October 2008 arriving in the onset of winter Iberian deities taste the English cuisine, soak up with their customs and above all learn more and more, in order to get well someday, intellectual and academic independence needed to develop our careers of researchers in Chile. Here are the major milestones in the first six months.
The cold and snow from Spain: They say it was chance and in the end only had the great misfortune of having to live the coldest winter of the last twenty years, for us it was not as terrible as people think, and we enjoyed every moment of snow and goats play like boys.
The absence of pigeons and dogs in the U. Although it may seem totally superficial, it is a fact that you have to get used first because you always dogs tore a comment here is not (as the dog Jack Nicholson UMCE we met with Romulus) and Secondly that seeing magpies living in this university is very entertaining, and unlike the pigeons, they do things they call attention.
Galician. Having rediscovered a friend is something to be grateful when you are so far from home, more so when that friend (for better or for worse J) is exactly the same as when you left to see.
Museums: What could be more impressively amazing for a tourist in Europe?, I think that comes here can not but never visit the museums, they are the ones that best define and outline the story, frame the dreams of different ages, teach us about past mistakes and successes that marked the development of history.
Swimming with Manatees : was a little experience, perhaps ephemeral in all that we have lived here, but it's something we will always remember with Nohe, because although we did not swim with the manatees, the same was an incredible afternoon, in which we were able to impress and enjoy an animal of those who only look at the Discovery cannel.
The globalization damn television. It's something funny, but at the time was shocking when we noticed that the "dumbing down" television programs or globalization of junk was a sad reality that has invaded not only Europeans but also to us Chileans. The TV here, in 80 or 90% of its programs is quiet on the front, no matter where in the world you are away is the same, perhaps with an accent, but always the same.
come to see us. The coming of Lucho Flores and Jeanette and cumpa meet my nano in Paris, has been summed to create a space full of beautiful memories and unforgettable moments, which undoubtedly occupy a special place in the memories of this journey to across the Atlantic.
Family Meeting and the end of the year in Paris. OH that was good that, were a wonderful week, recognizing the uncles and cousins \u200b\u200b(a bonus as well) was something that has been reopened and broaden that vein of friendship and family affection with distance and over time will not close.
ham and cheese. Something must have these English with ham and cheese, because it is impossible to say that has not been spectacular, has been a revelation to the palate and has led to increasing hours of exercise for the collateral damage is not devastating. No doubt he who comes to Spain and do not eat ham and cheese, it has not been to Spain (olives also are part of this.)
missing children! is incredible, but that of the low birth rate, is a reality that could corroborate Nohe to the day when we realized that the parks are used for walking dogs, rather than for children to play. Live
books. Pretty good and much cheaper, that's the final assessment. Hopefully the Chilean standards change, so that one day may benefit cognitive development over growth Pocket publishers.
New friends. Carlos The teacher has behaved perfectly, the English have shown that this reputation of good people is real and now with the passage of time, we have begun to feel increasingly out of the system and little by little in society in which we live.
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