Monday, December 20, 2010
Bat Caddy 2010 Vs 2011
Sunday, December 19, 2010
How Long Do Anorexics Live For
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Dog Has Blisters On His Prepuce
After much talk with Nohe about this subject, we decided it was time to make investment in professionalizing it and try to take pictures, because it's really a pity to note that the photos of the vacation or whatever you like shooting (in my case, animals), no one wants to leave because they simply do not have a camera suitable for situations that fall outside the normal range of light, movement, etc. That said, we decided to make the investment and acquired a digital SLR camera taking advantage of the model we wanted has been moved recently from the market (which has lowered its price) product of the arrival of your upgrade.
Considering the above and after having to wait about 15 days to arrive because we made the purchase via internet and save us $ 100, now we are the owners of a brand new Nikon D90 camera a nice 18-105 lens . So, many concepts for me were totally bland, have begun to charge a relevant amazing ... For example, now I have recorded the concept of ISO and I get a little scared when I look at the camera and all those little buttons are there rare may mean that thing. Maybe at first I missed the ease of use of handheld cameras, but results and hilarious coming back to take pictures when you have an SLR makes the investment and the initial fear, they become totally anecdotal compared to the good times and the total enjoyment that we are living with Nohe when we started off in Madrid to take pics.
In short, when you make this leap from the traditional pocket digital camera to DSLR pompous, it feels like going from walking to driving a Ferrari, but before we had participated in the invention and use of the cart cycling, normal self, etc ... But it's worth, mainly because thanks to that I have on the shoulders (I do not mean the hair and neck), a learning ends and as I say, enjoying it with photographic safaris (which we make here in the concrete jungle of Madrid).
Anyway, I have some night shots to see that pretty exiting.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Eyeclops Computer Projector
This month will mark 200 years of the independence of Chile. Sure to be a party of those in which no expenses spared, any more than the big stick of his life drunk or have the pleasure of dancing for the first time a foot cueca or eat the best existing pie. Although the feelings are intense and new technologies do not stop reminding us of the little party to be pasted in Chile (for a while Facebook does nothing to speak of pies, wine, roasted and livers that have enjoyed a apparent calm after the storm with their owners feed them soon got worse.) For those who are far from " promised land" of this great event, things are not at that point of "popular dieciochera madness" that has gripped Chile ... and there is some sadness accompanying the party, a hint of desire overnight funds can not supplant, just because you're not in Chile.
In that sense, this is also the bicentennial anniversary of the poem 30 dieciochero prettiest I've read, because since the book of my grandfather came to me (thanks guys in Paris) I have not stopped thinking about it now I live on September 18 abroad, just as it once did for following his convictions (but not on a voluntary basis as I have been lucky enough to do so). That's why today, with an excerpt from the words of my grandfather, I want to honor under these lines are not people, but to the feelings of those who pass away on 18.
These verses were written reflective in 1980 in the midst of an African country called Mozambique, the only thing that was of Chilean exiles were. My grandfather on the day (to fix the teeth of people) was a poet, perhaps as we are all Chileans then and now for the September 18.
is September 18
and no flags. Neither
kites or greasy pole,
or arbors, or cuecas.
People walk down the street indifferent
as if nothing happened.
is Monday.
new week begins.
is September 18
and nobody seems to realize. Eighteen
Today the country is a party! Here
military chords are not heard. There
Te Deum in the church.
Chileans have converged
to drink beer ...
Today is September 18!
On this date,
bad as things are, the Chilean
happy as Easter and New Year,
fits anyway.
and wine provided
friend when the party or the penalty,
be absent among us today.
There is no wine, only beer ... We
chauvinists and country
hurts more from the outside.
But ours is a
chauvinism with a huge moral support, to transcendence, and quality
attached to the land
with unstoppable force that surpasses
flag and fanfare clumsy military ...
is sad to walk the streets indolent
in a foreign land
thinking, a September 18
no banners.
remember what is sad is the patria
when spring begins to appear. Sad walking
thinking that will never again be what it was ...
Imagining how sad it must be
live in it today. And how sad
away the afternoon
when you think ...
is Monday.
The street is deserted.
night has fallen gradually
hugging the trees in shadow ...
is September 18
and no flags ...!
We walk into the night
to seek solace in beer. Alberto Reyes
Overseas Recados
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Maplestory How To Make A Moon Stone Ring
Simpsons Spain English version
When we arrived in Spain we never thought this would happen, but slowly and with the generous help of the secretive passage of time our ears has been used to the English accent. It is so now to see the U.S. television series or even The Simpsons with English pronunciation does not sound weird. That would be nice if only that it had been accustomed to that, but the central problem we are experiencing is that when we hear the Latin translations read like a story of a football match between "Las Chivas de Guadalajara and America Mexico. Our auditory system has lost that wonderful, but disability was rude for not being able to distinguish the foreign pronunciation when he saw TV in Chile and is something that discouraged when you realize that despite the English idioms embedded in the dialogue between the gringo series (although we have not used), Homer Simpson "I sound better that way to Mexicanized version for A. America.
Despite this shift in auditory preference, I note that our pronunciation (with some more slang idioms Spain and some less than Chile) remains that of the average Chilean, and I think it will continue because there is no way that we can get used to pronounce the "z" with "z" or "s" with "sh."
English version of The Simpsons A. America
Friday, September 3, 2010
Benzhou Scooters Review
When the holidays arrive in the summer most people loose every realm of things, and not sleep until the alarm starts furiously us of our dreams because we think no self-imposed targets nor have to worry about walking following rules (like clothing in some papers). Summer mix of freedom and heat mobbing in a way that when you come back to reconnect to the "matrix is that freedom stifling heat loss and those which are kept in memory. Personally for me, I'm one of those gourmet moderate, summer, and in fact many parties have to associate with the pleasures of good food and it is in this context that this post talks about the five richest food I tried this summer reeds and enjoyed full freedom of not worrying about triglycerides, cholesterol, weight, or side effects. Order will Here and rise.
The 5: restaurant fried anchovies "Boundary" of Carboneras. These little fishes are all culinary pleasure. I remember when arrive to Spain, my friend Toño Montes presented to us in vinegar and were incredible, but over time no doubt that this recipe (the top-veins by the way) is what takes the cake taste more even if you eat at this restaurant, because not only make them delicious, but also free and you serve them in large numbers along with the classic beer.
The 4: May Churrasco tomato avocado bread kneading the restaurant 8 May in Madrid. Is it because of what Chilean long ago I ate one? , or why he was simply delicious? I I opted for a mixture of both and highly recommend that anyone who walks through Madrid, eager to taste patriotic (if Chile) or interested in trying food from the end of the world, do not forget to go to prey on this "Sanguchito" or any other delicacy those in the menu.
The 3: Albacore to butter by Nohelia. Simply spectacular, one day you guys were here for Paris Madrid, Nohe tore into the kitchen and surprised us all with this dish, first rammed the exquisite texture of the meat and then let you taste a total pleasure when the mixture of herbs, butter and fish essences together in the mouth. Undoubtedly a recommended dish to receive friends, make peace, to bring distinction to the table or just enjoy this most distinguished marine animal.
On 2. The classic Valencian rice to either Uncle Luciano version or the version of the Mediterranean Arrocerías 2x1 with its promotion. This dish will always have a prominent place in any existing or top five that I believe exist in relation to food. For me, the paella is like a set of everything I like in a dish, there are coexisting in a harmonious combination galactic seafood, meats and vegetables all wrapped in the mists of saffron makes this dish is undoubtedly the best way to mix everything to make something sublime.
The 1. In the first place we have an absolute dead heat between two plates that have left a dent in the memory culinary summer 2010. The first is the home sushi we learned has to do with Nohe after we tired of having to pay up the win for him in restaurants. The truth is that it has been a dream and in two weeks and we have prepared two times, always with a little variation salmon and the rest ( surimi sticks, cream cheese, avocado, etc). The other winner
the season is the golden salt we ate at a restaurant in Carboneras whose name escapes me now. Simple to make, incredible presentation (baked potatoes were also in fear) and exquisite taste, who could imagine that plugging a fish with salt and putting it in the oven, the result would be so tasty?
In order to resume after this summer I'll have to diet, but it is an undeniable fact that we ate again and enjoy rich dishes that will not forget, let alone those that are already part of our master recipe ( and albacore sushi.) Greetings and have if someone is there a special dish for these few remaining days of the European summer.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Troubleshooting For Kidde 1276
Before we we came to study in Spain, with the Nohelia maintained the routine of reading newspapers online, every day we learn of the news tort incessantly besetting the country. When he arrived in March through July were added to him of theft, rape, cheating and killing several, the violent student demonstrations, the iconic shots of the high schools, reports the "future political leaders, the demands of university The wars in chairs in front of UMCE or the incessant attacks of the guanaco (water cannons) against the front of the USACH. Tragedy did not end there, because the hand of the end of July, the winter came and the like would not be, the rains, they brought the flooding of underpasses, the hundreds of victims and of course the total collapse health system, which as always was accompanied by the usual controversy over the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns and the debate in relation to heating and rising fossil fuel, so essential to heat homes in the country and only one component of the constant environmental alerts Santiago. Also opening discussions about the horrible state of the air in Valparaiso and the controversy, too, has become an annual custom, Temuco pollution from burning wood.
Where are the news?, Why do not fill the pages of newspapers?, What has changed? think the answer is sadly obvious, but beyond political manipulation that may exist in the media, what bothers me is that now I'm living abroad, not what is happening in Chile, or is Chile that I got used to was not really showing me?.
I'm worried because they have spent more than six months after the earthquake in Chile and newspapers online (say, the most widely read) have not even got a couple of headlines telling people that was after the fourth largest earthquake ever recorded since the means exist to measure the intensity of these. I remember when it was an earthquake in Antofagasta and newspapers showed us throughout the years that followed the earthquake, especially on the situation of people, editorial columns that criticized the ineffectiveness of government and political leaders' comments pointing out the main problems were The recovery of the north was so slow. Furthermore, in those years rose media scandals thousands, unmasking villains and proof of the lack of clarity of the measures the government took every week. Now when I start reading the blogs of the day, I usually find words good manners to criticize the government and solutions such as "Never Look Back."
Fate has made the Nohelia and I are studying in Spain and we can evaluate this situation and compare it with that of the country. The facts are the facts seem to English journalists and tell them, which changes according to the media outlet you choose to see is the ornamentation of these facts, for example, if you see a left channel will read "Zapatero innovate again new measures to combat unemployment ", while the right channel say" Zapatero resumed questionable measures against unemployment. " In conclusion, I believe that the manner and the topics that were considered important (at the level of Chilean newspapers because I have not seen the TV) have changed a lot over the past year. This column is only a reflection of someone from outside asks where are the news? and for example why I found out through facebook yesterday that a group of Mapuche who spent more than 40 days on hunger strike?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Does It Hurt To Remove The Merina Out

Looking at the sky listening to the Moon
I was surprised seeing the night
cherish their lights
purr I sing my eyes
Observing Space Hunting
feel the embrace Of your Your company
hand smell
silence next to you Feeling
sigh While I see your eyes
We observed the moon kiss your lips.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Denise Milani Nacktfotos Kostenlos
this week that just passed we decided to give a twist to summer in Madrid, so with Nohe begin to see the offer of activities offered by this beautiful city and to the great joy of us found that the portal Internet had very-ultra discounted tickets to go see at the Alcazar Theatre Shakespeare's greatest comedy theater " The dream of a summer night ." Well, currencies together srvc
arias to attend this great event (which as I said was on offer) and Thursday we left at around seven in the evening at the center to see the work that has received very good reviews this summer. Before focusing on throwing flowers in abundance to the actors, the scenery and the work itself, I have a small break to highlight a new summer product (new to me) that froze me to the ideas and I almost seizes the skull when I tried, I mean the "frapucchinos" in the cafeteria
Strabucks we could delight with Nohe few moments before the start of the work, these are just iced versions classic coffees are really good, so if a Madrid about to faint from heat mark my words written when he's in Madrid, then do not forget enter and ordered one of those, but take it with caution as the headache can stun anyone. Returning to the thread argum
ental of this chronicle I want to say it was a wonderful work, the atmosphere was a cross between Lord of the Rings and the movie Legend (that she acted Tom Cruise, which made the elf or something), incredible actors and the public prendidísimo until the end, which incidentally, may be all a bit questionable, since they are almost two hours and forty minutes and is rated for all family. I saw children as they wanted no more war because the talks are not appropriate (as in the English translations that to Bruce Willis says dammit!) so if you are between 3 and 10 years, I think your parents should opt for something faster frame in terms of plot and for what management requires a slightly more basal vocabulary.
still not enough to have gone to see "The Dream of a Summer Night" as well as yesterday we started to enjoy a free screening of the opera "Simon Boccanegra ." The theme was that while wealthy people saw the play within a play Real Madrid, the people, ie, Nohe, I and six thousand people, we arrumábamos to the output of live theater to watch the debut of Placido Domingo and baritone. Anyway, at first I was a little reluctant to go, but in the end, sitting on the floor of the Park Royal and supported in a nice ligustrina pruned (that being in the park was a distinguished Royal ligustrina, and despite his distinguished position did not cease in their attempt to cause allergy and prick the back) at the end we had a spectacular, we enjoyed a lot and we saw the entire opera (to commoners sent to us with subtitles included, so we understood from top to bottom).
When the opera ended and after twenty minutes of applause broadcast live on the giant screen at the park, the maestro Placido Domingo came to say hello and we responded with more applause, which I imagine it filled with happiness and sure he remembered the words of John Lennon on the galleries , the boxes and jewelry lol.
has been a good week, in which the frapucchino, art in abundance and our ingenuity have made us weather the heat and enjoy summer in Madrid.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
How Doesstrep Throat Look Like
The day the Nohe knew that Spain would play the final of world cup we chose Cybele move to watch the game, ie, the nerve center of English football celebrations. On the way we
joined the Marco, brother of my friend Toño Montes and whom you will remember for the story on the opener Chile in the World, like the us with the opportunity to witness a historical event, did not want to lose the opportunity to observe the behavioral manifestations of Madrid's where the potatoes burn. In fact, I remember when we agreed to go to watch the game on the phone told me "I do not want to be 80 years and say: think I could be in Cibeles, but I stayed at home starter. " In the end we were happy and live in Spain victory in the World Cup, but I must admit that without the cacophony that can only feel that he sees his team win the World Cup.
We became walking around Madrid and one of the nicest things was to see how this madness for the victory did not materialize in reasoning losses and damage to public property, people were happy the streets as part of the fashion of the annoying "vuvuzelas", there was nothing else which would infringe the rest. We arrived at 1 am to the house and we could sleep only when the horns, singing that 'I am English, English, English ... "and again the vuvuzelas went off because the next day had to work!
Anyway, this victory merely to reaffirm the supremacy of the English world with almost all existing sports. Hopefully once the Chileans can also achieve success as important, that if, first as a country we need to invest as required in the sport and believe it not only has to read this note BBC because it counts the English supremacy in sports.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Can I Sell My Plates With My Trailer In Ontario

Today I discovered naked.
nudityWith that stupid idiot.
I have been in rags.
With these rags he wears a believing
dresses well.
Today I've seen naked.
With that nudity asshole
of whom have lived an illusion without him.
In whom it is believed
and has been someone instead of others.
Today I felt naked.
With that nudity gives silence.
immense noise of nowhere,
foot depth to
open sea and not reach firm ground.
Today I'm naked.
With that nudity had nothing,
because I can not find a friend.
Someone to whom I gave the most unqualified of that word
Who made me weird.
And my wretched nakedness
me break me so,
my soul and my heart grieves pops.
And they fear most in all this is hitting
I've lost.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Cruising It Brent Everett

Where Can I Find Katydid Candy At

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Keel For Aluminum Boat
I have already caught this futbolero-mundialero process that takes a while invading and permeating all with the magic to this great sporting event. So I've been following in the footsteps of my football team (Chile) and the country in which I reside (Spain), got a surprise when I began to read in the papers the views of people leaving Notes on soccer. I'm not sure if termocéfalos (new word) who write under the daily sports news in the Internet will realize the things we speak, but for me it's really sad to see how people are supposed to have at least normal intelligence (can take the pc), can Unsharp dialogue through disqualification of high caliber. From the homeland, until the ascendancy, the economy, the skin color, education or whatever to be sent to hell or humiliate the other is fine.
I think that while there are newspaper journalists who write the news comments, if they are the owners and / or publishers of those who allow racist and xenophobic dialogue towards other people, sadly out of something that is supposed to represent or attempting to represent fair competition, eliminating fees negative and degrading treatment and is to be first of all very silly, to allow a sport you head cloud of what we call common sense.
This afternoon I noticed the sticks to read some comments from users of the brand daily news analysis on how well they are faring in the global South American and I have been concerned to read because I imagine that beneath these words are real people with mental problems, hoping to bring out the worst of them when the occasion and bad luck for other permits. In the Chilean newspapers (like the third ) feel the same and that to me again is a reflection of how much we integrate advanced and globalized world and how little we understand what that means. I leave you with the message that must be taken into account when viewing sports, which occurs worldwide mandatory before each game's televised World Cup (I hope that from time to view the world termocéfalos among them.)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
What Is The International Chart In Hairdressing
I remember that in 1998 we joined the Vitoko, the mauri, the Boy and Henry and we went to the house of Pepe to see the first match of France 98 World Chile played against Italy. I guess we all know at least where they were that day and can take the trunk of friends lost to one another at that time was a great friend with whom gather to watch the Olympics. While we ate pizza, we had a few beers and we were hoarse with great goals of the matador room at the end the frustration and anger took away the glory and tarnished a wonderful success with the appellants memories of arbitrator "Bochard" ('m not there to write it well), duck hand Yáñez arguing that it was legal (Yáñez echándonos always duck down) and Carcuro with his memorable speech against the lady fifa .
played yesterday with Nohe Chile and we rose with the news commentators who supported the red, red clear that the English who also played. We put the internet and there cooperatively gradually warming thing left. A short hour later, clean and uniformed with patriotic colors, we met on the subway with my friend Avenida América Toño Montes (Galician) and we left the bar that GECHIMA (group of Chilean students in Madrid) had been agreed as one of the venues in which they could enjoy the game.
Although reaching the bar there was not a mundialero environment, as if the thing was stretching at turtle steps, the bar slowly took shape. The data show screen projecting the game, three Hondurans fear wrapped up at the end of the bar and the arrival of those who always walk around with T-Chile in the bag, returned to the bar whim of Madrid, a place as the home of foo in the global France 98 has been etched in my memory, now that if, without the ghosts that rise from the stands and put criminal to 90 minutes, without Mrs. fifa without Bochard, but without the lifelong friends, who yesterday were replaced by my fellow thirsty to see win the red forever.
Chile is in a world much like his game and so far no problems winning. If all goes well some of us may dilute the Austrian Polster of our memory and perhaps with a little luck to the whole Brazilian team that got us 4 goals. I leave you with the goal of yesterday it has built memories.