I have already caught this futbolero-mundialero process that takes a while invading and permeating all with the magic to this great sporting event. So I've been following in the footsteps of my football team (Chile) and the country in which I reside (Spain), got a surprise when I began to read in the papers the views of people leaving Notes on soccer. I'm not sure if termocéfalos (new word) who write under the daily sports news in the Internet will realize the things we speak, but for me it's really sad to see how people are supposed to have at least normal intelligence (can take the pc), can Unsharp dialogue through disqualification of high caliber. From the homeland, until the ascendancy, the economy, the skin color, education or whatever to be sent to hell or humiliate the other is fine.
I think that while there are newspaper journalists who write the news comments, if they are the owners and / or publishers of those who allow racist and xenophobic dialogue towards other people, sadly out of something that is supposed to represent or attempting to represent fair competition, eliminating fees negative and degrading treatment and is to be first of all very silly, to allow a sport you head cloud of what we call common sense.
This afternoon I noticed the sticks to read some comments from users of the brand daily news analysis on how well they are faring in the global South American and I have been concerned to read because I imagine that beneath these words are real people with mental problems, hoping to bring out the worst of them when the occasion and bad luck for other permits. In the Chilean newspapers (like the third ) feel the same and that to me again is a reflection of how much we integrate advanced and globalized world and how little we understand what that means. I leave you with the message that must be taken into account when viewing sports, which occurs worldwide mandatory before each game's televised World Cup (I hope that from time to view the world termocéfalos among them.)
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