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I am here sitting in front of the screen del ordenador, trabajando penosamente en un artículo que pesa sobre mi conciencia como una condena irrevocable, que hiere mi alma y mi fibra sensible con dagas y guadañas aceradas.
Desdibuja mi predisposición a escribir y deleitarme con ello; con la búsqueda de una retórica bella y armoniosa que "flirtee" con las palabras.
Daña mi conciencia y casi puedo escucharla clamar con voz desconsolada, que abandone este naufragio narrativo que aireará una historia macabra, cruda, insoportable por su veracidad aterradora.
Me dicta mi conciencia que soslaye este tema, que desvíe mi atención hacia asuntos más someros y "digestibles".
On the other hand, I feel obliged to bring to light the overwhelming story of teenagers, beaten down by adversity, self-harm on YouTube to share with "victims of life-like."
The speech of my story sounds almost like a childish cry, you can not appease and just want to moan, scream from the rooftops.
In any case, this is the story of Eliza Buchanan, Christine Stewart, of between 12-14% of Americans who are killed and injured inside out, as rotten apples, the surface starts to break off fall to the ground like a shroud worn.
say they are self-therapy, to talk about it online, share their agony, emotional neglect and laxity helps them feel understood, less alone, like a legion of mutants badly wounded man who hates his reflection in the mirror, but found solace in the company of other lacerated souls.
not schizoid isolated cases, they are not suicidal or masochistic. Nor seek to forge a new philosophy or doctrine, which leiv-motif revolves around hemoglobin or dermal scar as heading.
These young people, stranded in the turbulence of adolescence, are castaways stranded in an ocean of stress, isolation, misunderstanding, introversion, loneliness and inability to face the onslaught of everyday life.
Internet filtering in their troubles and anxieties hidden, anonymous, latent as an unfulfilled desire, that collect in ports related misfortune and distress.
The self-caused injury is the stigma of emotional upheaval that threatens to become a scream of horror.
wound is consensual rejection of the identity, the firm conviction that one is just junk piled up in an attic, inert matter that should break up as penance for feeling fear, doubt, stress, fear of failure or advent of adulthood with plethora of changes and new responsibilities.
Youtube is the perfect vehicle to summon souls that pass or have passed through the same experiences, which include dark trances and intricacies of self-injury.
In this environment, bring their own experiences and feelings. He becomes the appointed emotional degradation in a large group therapy, which all share of misery as if it were a known enemy that must be addressed and discouraged by surprise.
The injury caused is the echo of a personal catastrophe unsustainable. It descends to the hot languages \u200b\u200bof victimhood with the red face of sadness, and emphasizes the feeling of worthlessness, where self-esteem is the mat that is trampled and the reflection in the mirror the face of failure.
Cases like Christine Stewart is an entire themed harangues self-incriminating. This girl originally from Washington hung on for a decade Youtube monologues explaining how combat stress and agony of living rewarding.
not have anyone to share their many troubles, so I chose to disseminate them through the network as tainted morning dew. The response was immediate and massive: the other side of silence had thousands of people who understood her whirlwind emotional.
, moreover, supported his methods as an escape valve to decompress the personal torments and alleviate the pain of the teeth of adversity.
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