Turkish President Abdullah Gul has vowed to take all necessary measures to prevent any "collective punishment" which involves the closure of personal pages on the Internet, referring to the recent decision by a court in Turkey blocked the popular Blogger site.
Blogger.com, affiliated to the famous portal Google company dedicated to hosting free personal blogs under the blogspot.com domain, was blocked last week in Turkey after a lawsuit brought by the digital satellite platform Digiturk, which owns allowances of the Turkish football league, which says she was forced to resort to the courts after repeatedly require the withdrawal of several blogs that are devoted to matches without illegally broadcast need for fertilizer.
The decision, which has left hundreds of thousands of bloggers in Turkey without the possibility to access their content online, has created much controversy both inside and outside Turkey and airy debate again the need to reform laws in the country regarding internet, which lasted more than two years also closed access to the popular video site YouTube for Internet Turks.
In a message posted this weekend on the popular social networking site Twitter, Turkish President Abdullah Gul, himself a regular social networks, said the law should not lead out collective punishment or to a few pages with illegal content cause blocking entire website.
"I have received many messages about the ban on blogs (Blogger). As far as I know, the laws on the subject should be reviewed, and the law should be changed to not permit collective punishment . I will take such actions as are necessary for this purpose ", published by the President of the Turkish Republic.
Gül also highlighted the growing role of social media like the Internet and its importance in today's world, and shared via Twitter their impressions during the meeting he had with young Egyptians during the official visit to Egypt last week, the scene until recently of great social upheaval coordinated by mobile and internet which ended with the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
"Young Egyptians used the power of social media as fact, that the former managers (the Egyptian government) were not even able to take any precautions. So much so that, while talking to them (in the meeting in Egypt), he saw how his fingers were working under the table ... They were writing messages all the time ... Because of this experience, my opinion is stronger: no closed system can continue long term to the power level of communication technologies have achieved, "he said Gül.
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